We have hundreds of ingredients that are used to compose excellent fragrances, exquisite aromas, and among them a special place is occupied by dozens of selected essential oils with meticulously verified properties.
Posiadamy setki składników, które służą nam do komponowania doskonałych kompozycji zapachowych, wyśmienitych aromatów, a w śród nich szczególne miejsce zajmuje kilkadziesiąt wyselekcjonowanych olejków eterycznych o skrupulatnie zweryfikowanych właściwościach.
Essential oils in our offer are a guarantee of the highest quality. Pure, natural oils obtained from plant raw materials by distillation
with steam, by squeezing the peels in the case of citrus, or the less common so-called „absolute” essential oils (ISO 9235).
Arcon® essential oils are a unique group of natural raw materials found in the resources of our raw material library
Our overriding role is the excellent ability to define and categorize the raw materials used, especially those of natural origin – such as essential oils, among others. Here lies the essence of an expert source – Arcon is a guarantee of a proven range of essential oils. We are able to perfectly evaluate and catalog them, separating them from hundreds of other raw materials such as distillates, extracts, absolutes, so-called refined or reconstructed oils.
Arcon offers its customers a range of flavors, refined and perfectly adapted to specific applications in the areas of food, tobacco and lipsticks. We carry out technological studies in which Arcon flavors undergo testing in finished products. This is the path to our mutual success.
Arcon oferuje swoim klientom całą gamę smaków, dopracowanych i idealnie dostosowanych do konkretnych aplikacji w obszarach żywności, wyrobów tytoniowych oraz pomadek. Wykonujemy badania technologiczne, w których aromaty Arcon przechodzą testy w gotowych wyrobach. Jest to drogą do naszego wspólnego sukcesu.
We offer essential oils of the highest quality, in accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Pharmacopoeia (F.P) or the European Pharmacopoeia (PEU), food grade essential oils, essential oils for aromatherapy, all tested and in quality in accordance with common regulations.

Our range of essential oils is 6 groups:
Citrus essential oils
essential oil of lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, etc.
Citrus and fruit essential oils
Petitgrain, neroli, bergamot, citronella essential oil, etc.
Herbal essential oils
essential oils of lavender, rosemary, sage, patchouli, cypress, juniper, basil, etc.
Forest essential oils
essential oil of pine, fir (Pichtae)
Flower essential oils
Rose essential oil, clove bud oil, ylang oil, etc.
Spicy and woody essential oils
Essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, cedar, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosewood, etc.